Today our leader Anthony Hsieh was the first lending CEO ever to take the stage at Inman Connect in New York, the nation’s largest real estate conference with over 4,000 real estate pros in attendance this year. In a fireside chat with conference host Brad Inman, Anthony laid out the model for disrupting housing to make home buying and lending easier for everyone.

“Because all real estate is local, not all housing disruption is digital,” said Anthony. “Homebuyers or owners start online to research loans and real estate services, but still close with humans. True disruption is about connecting with that homebuyer or owner early in their online research, then seamlessly and digitally connecting local loan officers and real estate agents to give smart, locally-relevant advice.”

The high-tech, high-touch model is hard to get right in housing because homebuyers must work with a both lender and a real estate agent. Then during their lifecycle as a home owner, they’ll also very likely work with home improvement contractors to maintain, repair, and perfect their home to their liking—a process that also involves financing.

How do you integrate all of this so a homebuyer can get pre-approved for a loan and educated on the process quickly and digitally to avoid the paper chase? And how do you also integrate real estate agents once the loan is pre-approved, or contractors when ready to pursue and finance that dream kitchen remodel?

Today Hsieh explained how loanDepot has solved this with our proprietary mello technology platform—built by 450+ of the nation’s top software engineers and developers—that enables you to run any mortgage, personal, or home improvement loan from application through funding from any device on your own or alongside a local loan consultant who can advise and co-pilot with you throughout the process.

And yesterday, we launched mello Home, a new company that expands our loanDepot/mello brand family from the lending world into the real estate world by seamlessly connecting you with a real estate agent or home improvement contractor in your local market once we’ve pre-approved you for financing.

It’s a one-stop, single brand experience for mortgage or nonmortgage financing, plus the subsequent real estate services you need as a homebuyer or owner.

That’s disruption to make home buying and lending easier for you and everyone. And that’s our relentless pursuit and commitment to you.

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into how loanDepot and mello continue to do for housing what Amazon did for retail.