Trying to save up for a major purchase – or pay off high-interest-rate credit cards – isn’t always easy. But we offer a great alternative that may help you do just that. With a fixed rate unsecured personal loan, you may be able to save thousands AND achieve your financial and personal goals. Here are nine examples of when one of our personal loans could be beneficial:

  1. Refinancing high interest rate credit cards. If you’re like more than 40 percent of all U.S. households, you are carrying credit card debit. Refinancing higher-interest rate credit card balances into a more affordable, lower interest rate personal loan could save you thousands of dollars over the life of the loan.
  2. Home improvements or renovations. Whether you want to update a kitchen, remodel a bathroom or replace a roof, a personal loan could make your dreams a reality. 
  3. Debt consolidation. While you can’t borrow your way out of debt, you can save hundreds of dollars a year and speed up payback by consolidating higher-interest loans, credit cards, lines of credit and even back-taxes into an unsecured fixed-rate personal loan. Better yet: you’ll be paying back principle and interest – and possibly helping your credit score at the same time.
  4. Run your business. Managing a consistent cash flow can be one of the biggest issues for a small business. A personal loan can help keep payroll funded, or help with a large equipment purchase.
  5. Major purchases. Sometimes life gets in the way of a good savings plan. A personal loan can help ensure that replacing an important appliance, a car, or other major purchase doesn’t crimp your style.
  6. Go ‘green.’ Utility, and, in some parts of the country, water, costs are on rise. A personal loan may be the answer if you want to install energy-efficient triple-pane windows, rooftop solar panels, replace water-guzzling landscape, or update your home with energy-saving appliances.
  7. Pay for medical expenses. Don’t let a large medical bill ruin your financial life. A personal loan can help you pay for an expensive medical procedure that needs to be paid immediately.
  8. Moving expenses. Many companies no longer offer relocation packages. But if the move makes sense and the long-term benefits are there, a personal loan can help you get from Point A to Point B so that you can focus on your career goals.
  9. Vacation of a lifetime. Saving for that special trip is admirable; but sometimes there are advantages to living in the present, especially when airfares or hotel accommodations are offered at amazing rates. Seize the day, or the adventure, as it were, with a personal loan.

Whatever your need, an unsecured personal loan may be the answer. Check it out and see if it’s the right decision for you.